
Showing posts from February, 2019

Friday-Sunday 1/25-27: Oslo extension

One went on home, the other soldiered on for a brief stay in Oslo and then to The Netherlands to visit with a college friend.  The hotel breakfast buffet should have covered all THREE meals of the day ... a stunning bread display; the obligatory Scandinavian cold offerings of fish, cheese, and various complements; a variety of hot offerings which were replenished fresh-cooked as soon as a saute pan was emptied.  Coffee brewed to order, fruit/yogurt/crunchy things.  So many wonderful flavors, so little time! No excursions were planned in Oslo, but an outing on foot to a local multi-level mall provided both some lovely gifts and some delightful people-watching. Somewhere there was a "Frozen" promotion going on, as first one and then a lengthening parade of kids came by, carrying multi-colored pulsing wands, snowmen, and reindeer.  Lots of princess outfits.  There were two pairs of interesting plastic chairs available for giving sore feet a rest.  The ...